Buying a house for the first time? Do's and don'ts

Buying a house for the first time? Do's and don'ts

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Factors to Consider When Listing Your Property

Factors to Consider When Listing Your Property

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Faster and easier. How to relocate efficiently

In our lives, we have all relocated or will relocate several times. Moving with furniture, family, and perhaps pets is not an easy task. Moving effici

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How to renovate your house and attract a good purchase price

How to renovate your house and attract a good purchase price

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How to use mortgage loans in real estate investment

How to use mortgage loans in real estate investment

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The best apps and websites to use when searching for houses

The best apps and websites to use when searching for houses

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The current state of the real estate market

The current state of the real estate market

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The most important considerations for real estate investment

The most important considerations for real estate investment

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Tips for setting up your house for viewing (open house)

Tips for setting up your house for viewing (open house)

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When is the best time to list your property?

When is the best time to list your property?

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Buy and sell. How to conduct a property valuation

Buy and sell. How to conduct a property valuation

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Do you need a bridge loan?

Bridge loan offers financial assistance between the time you buy a new house and the time you sell your current house. A bridge loan is a financial aid meant to provide the money you need until another source of funds becomes available. It allows homeowners to build or buy a home before selling the current one. Also referred to as the swing loan, it is meant to be paid over a short period and may not require immediate payment.-It offers buyers the opportunity to make a down payment with the loan before selling their home.

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Explaining mortgage closing costs

Owning a mortgage isn't easy, especially for those who have owned one. You have to go through third parties such as a mortgage lender, and real estate closing costs are the charges in addition to the purchase price of the property involved in closing a real estate transaction. Before the purchase is completed, the costs must be disclosed between the buyer and the seller. Closing costs range from, Real estate commission, Insurance premium, taxes, and origination and mortgage fees.

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How to make your house a rental property

Renting your property is great if you don’t want to let it into the market. Most homeowners venture into real estate by renting out their space. It is a good way to learn how the industry works and also a way to collect a fortune.

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How to value a rental property in real estate

Real estate investors have their way of property value. Their main goal of property valuation is to increase the value over time, monthly or yearly, to attract buyers and tenants. Homeowners value property differently from investors, so their property has to stay top-notch in the competitive market.

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Is it better to buy a house now or later

Whether to purchase a house or not is a common question most homeowners struggle to answer. Owning a home is a repurchase lifetime investment, and you should not stress yourself thinking about it. Most people often wait for the perfect timing, especially the market value. Don’t hesitate, just buy it. Timing the market or not, the main concern which comes down to buying a house is the state of your finances.

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Purchasing real estate outside your state

Are you planning to purchase property outside your state? Buying property in a different state is as easy as buying any other property. With many families contemplating moving daily, you might think of rental properties or vocational homes.

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Qualities of a good rental property

Rental properties are a source of fortune if well invested in. A good rental property should consist of the major must be of good condition at a prime location suited with the right amenities for the comfort of its tenants. Many tenants consider a lot before settling down. They want to ensure their comfort and security come first. Investors and homeowners should therefore keep their houses in the most desired conditions to win tenants' hearts.

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Refinancing an investment property; steps to take

A high-interest rate on your rental property is a sign of reinvesting your property. Paying a mortgage in high installments over a long period can be exhausting. Refinancing property helps lower your interest rate with lower installments over a long period. The refinancing property might involve strict requirements and the right documentation to qualify for a loan.

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Short Sale vs. Foreclosure

Short sales and foreclosures are the main options available to homeowners when they get behind on their mortgage payments or if their mortgage is underwater (not worth what they owe on their mortgage). Regardless of the situation, the owner must part with their home. Still, the timeline and other outcomes are different, so it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

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Can we avoid an energy crunch?

Huge investment is needed if we are to meet climate targets while still keeping the lights on. This creates opportunities for investors.

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Climate Progress Dashboard shows further improvement, but the pace of change remains too slow

An improvement in electric car sales in China moves the dial on our progress dashboard the right way, but higher investment in oil is a setback.

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Coronavirus highlights the importance of the employee-employer relationship

Companies do not operate in a vacuum and the Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of how companies treat their employees.

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Director Dialogue: our engagement with FTSE 350 non-executive directors

Kimberley Lewis, Schroders’ Head of Active Ownership, shares how our inaugural Director Dialogue event epitomises our approach to sustainability challenges.

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London regains top spot in Schroders’ Global Cities Index

While the UK capital scored highly on its response to climate change, car-reliant Los Angeles dropped from first to 14th place.

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Q&A: Why do markets rise even when the outlook is bleak?

The global economy is on track for its worst recession in nearly 100 years, yet April was the market’s best monthly performance in three decades and they continued to rise in May. Why?

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South-east Asian equities: the good news and bad news for investors

South-east Asian economies have been in recovery mode this year. But is this now priced into market valuations? And where are the opportunities?

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The Elon Musk dilemma – AKA the stockmarket cost/benefit trade-off

Elon Musk, CEO of electric carmaker Tesla, has suggested he will take the company private. We look at the benefits and costs of a stockmarket listing.

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What’s behind value’s recent renaissance?

Value investor Nick Kirrage explains why investors should be wary of easy narratives to explain market moves.

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Why the Fourth Industrial Revolution may create beach hotspots for investors

With data becoming increasingly critical to our digital economy, Global Cities' Ben Forster explains why beachfront real estate is now hot property.

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Climate Progress Dashboard update: Holds at 4.1 degrees

The sustainability team's latest review of climate change efforts highlights the tension mounting between oil and gas producers and the changing transport industry.

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Four reasons there could be a big opportunity in small caps

US smaller companies are well positioned at this time of uncertainty. Here's why.

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How has the US stock market performed around midterm elections?

Could the US midterm elections on 6 November pose a further stumbling block for stock markets?

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How will global disruption affect small cap stocks?

Investors are increasingly being drawn to smaller companies due to their ability to navigate the growing theme of disruption.

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Los Angeles claims top spot in Schroders Global Cities 30 index for the second time

LA is ranked no.1 while Chinese cities are most improved and London falls.

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On a charge or out of juice – can EV charging infrastructure keep up with demand?

Investment in charging points and grid reinforcement will be needed to enable further growth in EV sales.

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Outlook 2022: Global and thematic equities

Pricing power will be key for global shares in 2022. Here’s why.

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The future of TV: Is it just the walking dead?

Traditional TV is undergoing major changes, but reports of its imminent death are exaggerated. We think there’s life in the old box yet.

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Will the Tiger outdo the Ox?

The year of the Ox - 2021 - was a disappointing year for investors in Chinese shares. The year of the Tiger should be more favourable - though don't expect too much.

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World Cup special: which stockmarkets look ‘cheap’?

Our quarterly examination of market valuations coincides with the World Cup. Duncan Lamont offers some observations about market performance - and pitch performance.

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Is the credit spread curve inversion a red flag?

In a development almost never seen, it has become more expensive for companies to borrow short-term than long-term. We assess the implications.

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Outlook 2020: Emerging market debt absolute return

The balance of risk and reward remains attractive in several high yielding EM local debt markets, while EM currencies are well positioned for a strong recovery in 2020.

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Outlook 2022: Global credit

Credit investors are facing a more nuanced phase as we head into 2022. Fundamentals are strong, but valuations are elevated and uncertainties are building.

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Return-free risk

Bonds are at the epicentre of what is a highly fragile environment.

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Schroders Live: Central banks’ options, and Q2’s biggest risks

Schroders Live: After an eventful first quarter, Manus Cranny, Bloomberg’s European Markets Editor, caught up with Keith Wade and Gareth Isaac to find out their latest views on the global economy and markets.

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Fed vs vigilantes: why bond markets are hotting up

Bond markets are in a process of transition, and a burgeoning tussle between the Federal Reserve and bond vigilantes could make life interesting in 2021.

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Has the Evergrande fallout created opportunities in Asian credit?

The travails of Chinese property developer Evergrande should ultimately be contained, but it is a stark reminder of the need to be discerning in the Asian property sector.

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Is EM growth due a jab-induced upgrade?

After a slow start, vaccination rates are picking up in emerging markets, which combined with solid fundamentals could push growth forecasts higher.

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What does average inflation targeting mean for investors?

The Federal Reserve has unveiled a new policy framework in the hope of boosting inflation. We assess the implications for bond markets.

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Five key developments in EM debt in the coronavirus crisis

We picked out five important developments in emerging market debt during the coronavirus pandemic, and look at what it will take for markets to stabilise.

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How rising interest rates have affected returns from bonds

Schroders research, covering four decades of data, shows how different types of bond have performed when rates were rising.

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Is monetisation the only ammo left in the BoJ’s arsenal?

Ahead of the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) next meeting, we believe that monetisation is fast becoming the only option left to ensure Japan's economy doesn’t enter another lost decade.

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Should investors take notice of the slowdown in bank lending?

We ask if the recent US bank lending slowdown is just a blip, or the start of something more sinister.

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US fixed income and ESG: which road should you take?

Is doing good incompatible with pursuing investment performance? Here David Knutson gives his take on this and other questions investors need to consider when incorporating ESG.

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What ETF flows say about emerging market debt opportunities

Outflows from the world’s largest passive emerging market debt ETF appear to be bottoming – is this an opportunity for investors?

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What happens once interest rates lift off?

Expectations that the Federal Reserve (Fed) will raise interest rates have increased markedly following the October Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, but what does this mean for bond investors?

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Why corporate bonds are no longer boring

Following the recent market moves it is time to think again about corporate bonds.

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Why the downgrading of banks is unfair – and may worsen the crisis

Credit ratings agencies are downgrading banks. They fail to recognise big ESG improvements in the industry and will potentially worsen the Covid-19 crisis.

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Why we see income opportunities emerging in Asian corporate bonds

Market turbulence has produced attractive income opportunities in Asian corporate bonds against a still positive economic backdrop in the region.

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